Media Activity
At TRI-MED, we organize a variety of media activities that help seniors reduce their feelings of depression and loneliness and enhance their mental and physical sharpness.
Video Games – We give elders the access to various video games not just for entertainment, but also for enhanced memory and sustained attention skills. These games also encourage improved balance.
Group Singing – Our group singing activity is one of the best activities for seniors, as it helps them to enhance brain functionality and promotes positive thoughts.
Shows – At TRIMED, we organize special shows for seniors, as they can stir good positive memories and inspire good feelings. It can also lift their mood and bring in the “feel-good” factor.
Story Time – Story time is designed to help seniors understand and deal with difficult situations. It is also a great way to support language learning along with entertainment.
Karaoke – We arrange karaoke to help individuals practice singing. It is an activity that offers many physical, mental, social and emotional benefits. Moreover, it is full of fun and joy.
Music Class – Our music classes promote the physical well-being of the elders. These classes also provide many social benefits that improve their overall quality of life.
Presentations – We organize various presentation sessions where seniors learn how to speak in front of a group and improve their speaking abilities. It is also a great way to share knowledge.
Parties – We also arrange different parties and social gatherings that help seniors to build stronger social relationships and reduce their isolation.