Any Questions ? Call 718-483-1900
Fax  347-926-4020

Caring At Home

Daily Reminders:

  • Take your medication!

  • Eat and Drink!

  • Call your Case Manager if you have a change in health and 911 if an emergency!

  • Stay Healthy with your mind and with your body!

  • Leave a message on our 24/7 answering service if you are not getting your at home brain training and health programs we are mailing you-718-483-1900

  • Think of all the good memories and friends you have at TriMed Social Day Service- We are thinking of you!

Daily calendar

  • 8:00-9:00-Breakfast

  • 9:00-10:00-Brain Training Programs (Use our online links for more)

  • 10:00-11:00 -Fitness with Safe and Healthy Breaks (Use our online links for more)

  • 11:00-11:15- Water and Relax Break

  • 11:15-12:00- Education Time! (Use our online links for more)

  • 12:00-1:00- Lunch Time

  • 1:00-2:00- Enjoy One Of Our Shows, Educational Links, Opera Links, Virtual Tours, Or Watch Daily News

  • 2:00pm – Zoom Meeting

  • 2:30pm – Call Family and Friends




Shows and Entertainment:

Music Videos: